Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye, Bye 2010!!

Can you believe another year has come and gone? 2010 was a great year for me. As you all know I LOVE to run, this year I ran in 2 half marathons, four 5ks, and a 10k. I'm hoping that the new year will bring be lots of motivation to run in a full marathon. I've been pretty bad the last 3 weeks. I have not run and that is not good. So my New Year's resolution is to start back up again. I can never get behind again. I also picked up a hobby in 2010, I decided to try out photography and loved some of my results. The little clients I had were very satisfied as well. I love seeing the happy faces when they see the results. I hope to continue and to get better with time. I have photographed birthday parties, belly pics, new borns, families and a wedding. If anyone is interested in having some pictures taken just give me a call. I still need practice to get perfect! :)
2011 will be filled with fun and excitement! First of all, I'm expecting my 3rd grandchild the last part of May or early June. Yes, Cole and Natalie will be welcoming either a baby brother or baby sister, Janet will find out on Jan. 14th. We cannot wait!! You know how they say, " You can never have too many shoes?" Well in my eyes and heart, "I can never have too many grandchildren!" I love my grandbabies so much and when they're not around I feel lost. I hope to have many more in the future!! Secondly, Jessica my middle daughter is getting married to Matt Cely in August. If any of you have ever been to a Schwertner wedding then you know we can put on a show. We are so excited for both Jessica and Matt. The wedding plans have begun and are coming along great! The wedding date has been set for August 20th, the wedding dress has been bought, reception building has been rented and now we are looking for a photographer, we have someone in mind and hope to get her. Still lots to do but I know it will all turn out good. Last but not least, my baby girl Daniellie will be a Senior this coming fall. Where has time gone? It seems like just yesterday she was 2 and reading her little books to us. She had those books memorized to the max. She was so cute and still is, well she thinks she is. jk Danielle! I can't believe my babies are all grown up and soon Bryan and I will have an empty nest. What will we do?
Anyway, I hope 2011 will bring in as good a year as 2010 or maybe even better. Every New Year I'm thankful God has given me another one as I do on my birthdays.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe and blessed New Year!!

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